May 25, 2011


Angie Eyeshadow

I'm happy \o/
I'm learning to do makeups
Hope you enjoy it
I  was thinking a long time in one name, then I put the name of my friend Angie <3

Model Credits: Skin by Ladyfrontbum, Hair by Peggy, Eyes and lips by Watermelon, blush + freckles by lemonleafs, eyebrows by Evie or Shyne (?)

Additional information:
- 3 Recolorable Channels
- Female
- Adult/YA


  1. Eyebrows are not by me lol This eyeshadow is gorgeous... Thank you for sharing!

  2. Julz I love it, and thankyou so much for using my name, you have definately made my day, week, month

  3. Thank you all <3

    lol I really thought they were yours... If it's not Evie, I dont know who can be haha

    I'm glad you like my friend \o/

  4. I love this eyeshadow,its nice and subtle XD!

  5. Ameii Juh cada dia mais lindas suas criações..

  6. The sim is drop-dead gorgeous, can we have her?

  7. Helloo, Would you be willing to put this as a package? As it takes for ages to download on the sims 3 launcher. Plus, my sims always crash's while doing that. Btw, i love this!


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