Aug 6, 2011


Teen Stereo Conversion

This is a conversion and retexture of Teen Stereo from Teen Style Stuff (The Sims 2)

Credits: Teen Hair by Anubis

- Eletronics > Audio
- 3 Recolorable areas
- Sims3pack and Package in the same file
- Maxis Mesh


  1. Aw! I love this! Thanks! We need more converters in our community! ♥

  2. Nice. It's good to see that some items from T are converted to TS3. Looks like a nice little radio. Perfect for the teenager, which usuallly use their bedroom as an own domain.

    To CandyLover: There are already some conversions around, especially on Mod The Sims.

  3. Thank you candesco, Indeed, teens create their own world inside the room xD


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