Sep 4, 2011


Momiji Dolls Conversion

This is a conversion of TS2 Calalily's itens bonus from Midnight Dining Set, all the mesh and UV maps credits is not mine.

Additional information:
- Decor > Miscellaneous
- 3 Recolorable areas
- Sims3pack and Package in the same file
- Calalily's Mesh


  1. Thank you Louma! =D
    I wanted one of these in RL =/

  2. So cute, but I don't really know if your furniture is updated to work post Pets, so I can't install yet. I would love to install more of your stuff

    1. Thank you ebecll
      I deleted my cc that were not compatible with pets (some surfaces I made), then you will have no problems ^_^


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