Oct 29, 2011


Adore Shirt

- Base game compatible
- Adult/YA
- Male
- 3 Recolorable Areas
- Sims3pack and Package in the same file
If you have some problem with the link above, use this mirror


  1. Love, Love, Love this it's so smexy I'm definitely going to grab it for my simmeh boys to wear!

  2. Thank you so much Q, I'm glad to see you here ♥

  3. Que bello juli, gracias
    cuando pueda solucionar el problema de que no pudo instalar contenido personalizado con pets voy a tener esto seguuuro en mi juego

  4. Gracias mi bella, gracias por sus comentarios. Aún no puede fijar su juego? Eso es triste. ¿Ha seguido los pasos de TSR y mod the sims?

  5. no, no sabia que habia una solucion, me podrias pasar el link porfavor?
    tu español es bueno, googole traduce muy bien xD

  6. En realidad google traduce muy mal, así tengo que buscar las palabras que se parecen al portugues jajaja.
    Estos son los links:
    TSR bug fix: http://www.thesimsresource.com/fixyourgame/

    Mod The Sims: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS3_Preparing_for_the_Next_Patch_Expansion

    Y eso me ayudó mucho: http://www.cstylessims3forum.com/t2634-some-tips-about-the-latest-patch-and-pets

  7. Wow Juliana you talk spanish very good

    ¿Cómo has conseguido ese efecto en las letras de la primera foto? O.o
    How did you get that effect in the letters of the first pic? O.o

  8. Спасибо огромное Juliana за одежду для симов-мужчин. ♡

  9. IMHO,
    You're welcome dear ♥ , unfortunately I don't speak russian, but google "told me" that you thanked me for making clothes for men, that's right? If not that, sorry =/ But I thank you anyway =D

    My spanish is shameful lol, I just know the basics that I learned in school and also the similarity with the Portuguese. =(
    About the letters, I download some styles for photoshop here: http://myphotoshopbrushes.com/

  10. Que linda Juh,sempre arrasando né..Saudades..

  11. Muito obrigada Jé, Saudades de você também, minha linda.

  12. Oh my god! O.o Thank you very much Juliana! Loving that page!

  13. Juliana, That's right. I often create a Sim - men. Always glad to male supplementary materials. Thank you again. I'll watch for updates.

  14. thank you very much for doing that shirts! Where are the shorts that are on the first photograph??

  15. Thank you xolaa99x, this shorts are found in Pets EP.

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments Sintara!

  17. Did you make your own mesh and texture?


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