Nov 24, 2011


Black Betty Boots

I saw these boots (similar) in a store and I was in love!
These boots come in adult and teens versions, hope to make the version for men soon, but without the  platform heels. I like this shoes more than I thought, I hope you also like and enjoy.

This name comes from a song that is the soundtrack of Need for Speed ​​Underground 2 and I'm sooooooooo addicted in this game!

Pics credits: Teen dress by Rusty, shorts and pants by Icia, teen hair by Newsea, adult hair by Anubis

- Adult/YA/Teens
- Female
- 3 Recolorable Areas
- Sims3pack and Package in the same file

If you have some problem with the link above, use this mirror


  1. Theses looks so sexy in the pics with your models. I love it the way she got her leg on the amp box.

    The length and buckle detail of theses boots, so cute. I love the fact that they are lace up. My sims have more footwear now then me. If i ever did come across these in a shop i'd be tempted to buy them. Detailed and leather looking. Great work. Thank you ^_^

  2. Lindas!!! Juh vc está cada dia mais se superando, parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho.

  3. Definitely downloading! I absolutely love these ,
    Thanks for sharing!! I love the detail on the boots!

  4. Thank you Sack, you're always so kind in your comments ^^
    To tell the truth, My sims also have more shoes than me lol

    Obrigada Re =D

    Thank you JS, hope you enjoy

  5. I cannot possibly express how amazing they are, Juliana!
    I wear boots like these in RL so my self sim is gonna be [i]content[/i]
    thaaank U! *.*

  6. Hi Wiktoria!
    I'm glad to see you here =D
    I'm happy, happy, happy you like the boots, thank you so much for your comment *-*

  7. Love these boots Julz !! Awesome !! <3

  8. I love these boots so much!Thank you for creating and sharing them with us <3
    Also,I love that you named the boots Black Betty!That song never fails to get me all hopped up XD!

  9. aah.. this is my favorite style! thank you for them ✰✰✰✰✰

    ps. я случайно дала тебе не ту ссылку на позы. очень тогда устала и перепутала ссылки)

  10. Thank you guys =D
    I loove this song *-*

    lol I've downloaded the right link in your blog =D

  11. hey this sim looks just like my ashlee cooper sim the one on the right

  12. Yay Lashaun, the same style and hair =D Your sim is pretty <3

  13. love the boots, thanks for sharing!

  14. You make a lot of great boots but this one is even better.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  15. Oww, Thank you Nox... You're always so sweet <3

  16. They're so cute *-*... But let me ask you something, where can i find the outfit of the models? i was in love by their clothing too (:

  17. Thank you Stéfani =]
    The links of the clothes are above the first image

  18. God! Those are so amazing , how did I miss them all this time Love them <3

  19. I love it!
    Can I convert boots for Sims 2 please?

    1. Thenk you Marta,
      Of course you can convert it

  20. Thank you very much!
    You're great <3


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