Nov 19, 2011


Big Boy Shoes

Just as we have few clothes for men, our kids have not much advantage of it. So I decided to make these shoes. I used the textures from late night adult shoes.
The shirts, glasses and socks were made by Lili, jeans by Ljgaming, skin by Ladyfrontbum and hair by Newsea.

- Toddler
- Male
- 4 Recolorable Areas
- Sims3pack and Package in the same file

If you have some problem with the link above, use this mirror

I hope you like it =D


  1. Cute shoes ^_^
    I love the stitch detail on the shoes. I always forget about the toddlers in my game. Thank you.

  2. Thank you Sack
    I think everyone forget the poor little toddlers lol

  3. Wow! It's cute!!
    I luv this! I'll download it for my toddlers ^_^

  4. really cute! are your re-colors included? if not, can you release them also

  5. Thank you "bean" =D
    Yeah, the recolors are included, except the red and black versions


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