Aug 30, 2014


Is anybody there?

I'm still alive...

Hello again, guys. After thousands of problems with my real life and my computer, finally I'm having a break and now I can send it to maintenance and buy Sims 4 *yay*
Unfortunatelly I have no mood to play sims 3 again. From now I'll play and create for sims 4, but I'll keep my sims 3 creations here for you :)
I'll also try to get my domain back, but its possible that I need to create another one :(
Anyway... I miss this comunity so much and I love you <3


  1. Eu não era de comentar muito, mas amava/amo as suas criações e senti falta de não te ver postando mais. :/
    Bom, espero que fique tudo bem aí contigo.
    Vamos seguir firmes e fortes com criações para o TS4! \o/


  2. Это прекрасная новость!!! Я рад, что ты снова с нами. Обнимаю :luv: :*

    1. Я очень рад, тоже мой друг! :dance:

  3. Hey Juliana ♥ :3 Guess who I am XD


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